1. You hereby grant your consent to A-tradi s.r.o., domiciling at Mosty 12, Strmilov, 378 53, Comp. ID No.: 8769061, registered in the Commercial Register of the Regional Court in Ceske Budejovice, Section C, Entry 29392 (henceforth only “Data controller”), if required to provide services pursuant to Act. No. 101/2000 Coll., on protection of personal data (henceforth only “Personal Data Protection Act”), to process the following personal data:
2. Name, surname, and e-mail address have to be processed for the purposes of compiling offers of services, negotiations of such offers, or replies to inquiries. Such processing is allowed pursuant to the provisions of sec. 5(2b) of the Personal Data Protection Act.
A-tradi s.r.o. shall process these data during the negotiation of a contract between you and the Data controller, but no longer than 1 year following the receipt of your inquiry, unless you grant your consent to further processing.
3. You are granting your express consent to the above processing. You may withdraw your consent any time, e.g., by sending an e-mail to contact@a-tradi.com or letter to the company’s contact address: A-tradi s.r.o., Havlíčkovo nám. 99, Dačice, 380 01, Czech Republic.
4. Personal data are processed by the Data controller. However, personal data may also be processed by the following entity:
5. Kindly acknowledge that you have the following rights under the Personal Data Protection Act: